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How to Export STL Files from 3M/Midmark Scanner
1. On a computer, login to your 3M Connection Center account.
2. Click the Cases tab.
3. Search for your patient name, and select their file.
4. Select the Files button.
5. Click on the hyperlinked Open_STL_filename link to download the files.
6. If you need to upload to a prescription, navigate to RX Wizard and login to your account.
7. Search for your patient name and select “Edit Prescription” (the pencil icon).
8. Drag and drop or click and add your files to the “Upload Attachments” section.
9. Once the files have uploaded, click “Resubmit to Lab”.
How to Export STL Files from Voxel AS200 Scanner
- On a computer, login to your AS Connect account.
- Search for your patient name in the search bar.
- Once located, click on the patient name.
- Select the Export button in the upper right hand corner.
- Check the STL box, and uncheck the PLY box. This will save files in only an STL format.
- Click Download.
- Files will be available in your Downloads folder or other specified location.
- If you need to upload to a prescription, navigate to RX Wizard and login to your account.
- Search for your patient name and select “Edit Prescription” (the pencil icon).
- Drag and drop or click and add your files to the “Upload Attachments” section.
- Once the files have uploaded, click “Resubmit to Lab”.
How to Export STL Files from iTero Scanner
1. On a desktop, login to your MyItero account.
2. In the search bar on the top left, search for your patient name.
3. Locate the patient file and click on the entry. On the pop up menu, select “Download Scan”.
4. Choose the following settings:
Export Type: Open Shell Data Format: Oriented in Occlusion File Type: STL (no color)
5. Click Download.
6. Retrieve zipped file from your download folder.
7. .STL files are located in the zip file.
8. If you need to upload to a prescription, navigate to RX Wizard and login to your account.
9. Search for your patient name and select “Edit Prescription” (the pencil icon).
10. Drag and drop or click and add your files to the “Upload Attachments” section.
11. Once the files have uploaded, click “Resubmit to Lab”.
How to Export STL Files from Carestream Scanner
1. On a computer, login to your Carestream account.
2. Search for and select your patient.
3. Open the Carestream Orthodontic/OMS Imaging software.
4. Right click the 3D Model in the visit and select Export to STL.
5. In the Save As box, select the save destination and set your file name. We recommend the Desktop and using your patient’s name for the file.
6. Click Save.
7. Your files should now be available in your selected location.
8. If you need to upload to a prescription, navigate to RX Wizard and login to your account.
9. Search for your patient name and select “Edit Prescription” (the pencil icon).
10. Drag and drop or click and add your files to the “Upload Attachments” section.
11. Once the files have uploaded, click “Resubmit to Lab”.
How to Export STL Files from Medit Scanner
1. On a computer, login to your MeditLink account.
2. Navigate to the Work Box.
3. Search for your patient and select the case.
4. Select the Export button in the Work File list.
5. Choose your save destination and file name. We recommend the desktop and patient name.
6. Choose the following settings:
CAD Type: 3Shape
Mesh Format:
STL Image Format: JPG
Combine individual Mesh: Unchecked
7. Click Export.
8. If you need to upload to a prescription, navigate to RX Wizard and login to your account.
9. Search for your patient name and select “Edit Prescription” (the pencil icon).
10. Drag and drop or click and add your files to the “Upload Attachments” section.
11. Once the files have uploaded, click “Resubmit to Lab”.
How to Export STL Files from Trios Scanner
1. On a computer, login to your Trios Communicate account.
2. From the patient’s page, search for your patient.
3. Select Export > Scans. Choose the destination for your folder; we recommend the desktop.
4. Name your file and change the export type from DCM to STL. Click Save.
5. Your .STL files will be saved to your selected destination.
6. If you need to upload to a prescription, navigate to RX Wizard and login to your account.
7. Search for your patient name and select “Edit Prescription” (the pencil icon).
8. Drag and drop or click and add your files to the “Upload Attachments” section.
9. Once the files have uploaded, click “Resubmit to Lab”.
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